Skin Solutions The Beauty Clinic
Skin Solutions The Beauty Clinic

Laser IPL Hair Removal

IPL laser hair removal is a cost effective alternative to laser hair removal , it treats a much larger area of skin per light pulse than laser hair treatment. It's a non invasive method that targets the pigment in the hair , destroying the hair follicle and preventing future hair growth. 




What is the difference between IPL and laser?


The absorption of light by hair and skin is dependent on the wavelength (colour) of the light. IPL uses a much broader spectrum of light than laser, this makes it more versatile and can treat a wider range skin and hair colours than laser.

A greater number of follicles can be treated as a result of the broad spectrum of light, making this treatment very cost effective. 


What does the treatment involve?


Before  any treatment commences, a patch test and an initial consultation will determine your suitability for IPL hair removal , and a programme will be derived to give you optimal results. 


What will the treatment feel like?


Eye protection will be worn for both the operator and client. The hand piece will deliver pulses of light over the area to be treated . A slight tingling sensation should be felt, most clients describe the experience sensation to an elastic band slightly tapping on the surface of the skin . Cooling packs and aloe Vera gel are used to cool the skin after treatment. 


How many treatments are required?


The number of treatments required for long term benefits

Depend on three factors; the hairs growth cycle, the area being treated and your hair density. 

every hair follicle follows three phases of hair growth; anlagen (active) , Catagen  (regression) and telogen (resting) . For the best results we aim to treat hair in the anagen  stage . 

Other factors are taken into consideration such as hormones, age, ethnicity, medication, metabolism, diet 

, these factors influence hair growth. Each client is unique , but on average 6-8 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart is necessary for permanent results! 


What homecare do I need to follow?


A sun cream of at least SPF30 preferably SPF50 should be used everyday in the treated areas that are exposed to the sun. Sun exposure and sun beds should be avoided 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after treatment, and an aloe Vera gel should be applied in the first few days after treatment. 











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01527 759770

07472828436 07472828436


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Skin Solutions The Beauty Clinic


23 Alcester Road Studley







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